Disseminating timely research reports, daily market commentary and buy/sell recommendations to a large client base—quickly, reliably, in innovative ways that will draw rapid response

Xpedite is a one-source provider of multimedia messaging solutions enabling analysts to utilize e-mail, fax and voice messaging to gain the best results for their clients

"Our relationship with Xpedite has expanded from one service to multiple platforms based on the excellent service and technical support it is able to offer."

Provide fast access to research that investors use to make investment decisions
Deliver information before the trading day begins
Increase investors confidence with frequent updates
Keep pace with volatile markets
Enhance analyst productivity and performance

The equity research department of this global investment banking firm is widely recognized as being among the top ranked in the industry. With hundreds of analysts extensively covering thousands of individual companies for institutional and individual clients worldwide, it is essential for the firm to disseminate information quickly, reliably and cost efficiently.


For more than a decade, the firm has used Xpedite’s Broadcast service for fax distribution of research reports, market analysis and recommendations on a daily basis. Usage has since expanded to include electronic delivery of messages to e-mail addresses through Xpedite’s messageREACHSM service and delivery of personalized voice messages utilizing our voiceREACHSM service. Analysts now are able to choose the delivery methods that are best suited for their specific goals, style, applications and client base. Xpedite offers it all as a single-source provider and allocates billing for the firm through the assignment of individual user account codes.


The analyst selects his/her methods of distribution and access paths to Xpedite. Client distribution lists are uploaded via our Web interface, XWEB, or selected from among lists that have been pre-stored on our server. Xpedite also enables analysts to utilize their current e-mail client for transmitting faxes, or to submit them from any simple fax machine. Reports prepared by the analysts are saved as PDF files and sent as attachments to e-mail or converted to TIFF files for delivery to fax destinations with personalized cover letters. Voice messages, usually sent in advance of the research reports, are recorded and delivered by analysts over the phone. Xpedite provides a full audit trail of all messages delivered through our system.


Xpedite is a one-source provider of information delivery over multiple electronic platforms. Our execution is rapid and reliable, enabling analysts to contact thousands of clients with unprecedented efficiency and impact. Our reports track delivery and help measure—as well as improve—performance by individual analysts.

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